With each passing day, we draw closer to the end of the times. God told us what will happen in the end through the Bible. 2 Tim. 3:1-5, Matt. 24:6-8 What can you when you see these signs of the end? 1st Service Sun 5th May 2024
Category: Sermons
The Way
To get to any destination, you must follow the right way/path that leads to that destination. If the right path isn’t followed, you will end up in another destination where you may need to start afresh. This will cost you more money, strength, explanation, and time. Jesus showed us that He’s the way to the...
The Bigger Picture
If you pick a gold when it’s not yet refined, you will be tempted to throw it away because you will think it’s ordinary stone and because it looks dirty and unattractive. When you don’t see the bigger picture, you’ll not achieve anything. Eccl. 11:4, Gal 6:7 What happens if you don’t see/have the bigger...
The Ministry of Silence
Silence is powerful and golden. And if you understand it’s importance and benefits, you can use it to your advantage. Here are some important things to know about silence. When do you need to be silent? 1st Service Sunday 21st April 2024
Building To Last
In all that you do, you must strive to build to last – why should you build something that will crumble/crash soon? That’s not a good plan! See 1 Cor 3:10-11. Here are some actionable steps that you can take if you want to build to last.
Blood Operations
In several instances in the Bible, we see how powerful blood is. This is a clear indication that blood operations are powerful. In Lev. 17:14, the bible highlights that there is life in the blood. Also, Gen 9:6 shows talks about whoever that shall shed blood. Blood operations can be used to do the following
Covering The Nakedness Of Life
Even though we came into the world naked, the nakedness of our life is meant to be covered until the time when we’re called home by our maker. Here are some of the things that cover our nakedness in life.
He Is A Loving Father
God is a loving father and He shows His love to us in many ways which you’ll learn in this sermon.
The Tree of Perfection
In the Bible, we see some verses where humans are likened to a tree (Dan 4:10-12). And as a tree, they ought to attain a certain level of perfection. Why is it that some trees have shades and leaves but no fruit? While others have fruits that are not sweet or without branches? The qualities...
The Head With Oil
As a Christian, you can only be effective when there’s oil on your head. This is because certain things happen when you have oil on your head. They include the following. There are some conditions that you must meet, too. Sunday 10th March 2024 1st Service