One of the many challenges you’ll continuously face as an individual and as a Christian is constant battles with darkness. The book of Eph 6:12 makes it clear the classes of darkness we have to fight against. There are several things you can do to win the fight against darkness. What are these things you should do to win? You must be strong. Josh. 1:8 You must be courageous. Put on the weapons for battle. Eph 6:12-18 1st Service [Sunday 8th October 2023]
Freedom From Captivity

Many people are in captivity today for several reasons as mentioned in the sermon. Some are in captivity for the sins of their fathers, while others are in captivity for fighting and losing a battle. What has kept you in captivity? How do you get out of it? In this sermon, you’ll learn all these and more. 2nd Service [Sunday 1st October 2023]
The Fruits Of Your Labour

You will reap the fruits of your labour. Why is it important that this will happen? It is the will of God. 3 Jn 2, Ps 126:5-6, Gal 6:7, Gen 26:12 It’s an ordinance/law.Gen. 8:22 Other things you need to know about the fruits of your labour and the rules that guide it. It requires patience. James 5:7 It requires guidance. Matt. 13:25-29. You should make it a duty to oversee and watch over your labour. Don’t abandon it. You don’t labour alone. You should understand that you will need to work with other labourers for a bountiful harvest.Matt. 13:27,...
Your Identity

What’s your identity? This question can mean the following. 1. How are you? When someone asks you how are you, you typically reply with I’m fine. However, this isn’t always the case because sometimes, you may not be fine and may need to reply with the current state of things in your life. For instance, if you need help, you can reply, I’m not fine – I need help. 1 Chron 5:1; Prov. 30:11-14; Matt. 15:22-28; Matt. 3:7 Your identity involves debts, carryovers, and hangovers from ungodly parents and unholy foundations. Ex. 20;5 Sometimes, the identity you carry can be...
The Ministry of Ransom & Exchange

Ransoms refer to the sum of money paid for the release of a captive. An exchange is an act of giving one thing to receive another thing. One of the things you should know about ransom and exchanges is that it’s God’s way. It’s God’s way. Isa. 43:3-4, Isa 53:6, 1 Tim 2:6, Lk 9:23. Early believers did it. Esth. 4:16, 2 Kings 3:26-27, Note: Not all ransom is productive; some are mere provocation. The value of a ransom is often dependent on the value of the captive. One person can be exchanged for many and many can be exchanged...
Divided Loyalty

What is divided loyalty? This simply refers to the act of being loyal to two things, persons, or authorities. When your loyalty is divided, it can cost you a lot in your life. What does God say about it? Here are some important bible verses on divided loyalty, 1. Matt 6:23-24Isa. 28:16Matt. 4:10 What are the consequences of having divided loyalty? You’ll die an unnecessary death. 1 Sam. 28:6-7, 15-19Matt. 26:14-16, 24Lk 22:4-6Matt 27:5 You will get yourself into trouble.Matt. 8:21-22 You can lose your destiny. You can die another person’s death.1 Sam 31:1-2 Benefits of shunning divided loyalty You...
The Mind of Humility

Phil 2:5 Humility is God’s nature, and this is evident in the following verses. 2 Cor 6:16; Eze 37:27; Lev. 26:11; John 1:14 Why does God resist the proud? A proud man is capable of many evils. A proud man is arrogant, a liar, a cheat, and accuses falsely. A proud man does one evil to cover another. He can do anything for respect and attention. Why does God give grace to the humble? James 4:6 Exhibits all the fruits of the Spirit. He’s self-controlled, doesn’t get angry easily, and he doesn’t boast. His anger is constructive and short-lived. Psalm...
Light Your Candle

What is your candle/light? This refers to your good works, your faith, or your Christianity. What does the bible say about it? Matt. 5:14-16 What is the world’s disposition about your light? John 3:19-21What’s your response to them? Matt 5:11-12; Acts 5:29 Nobody will light your candle for you, you have to take the responsibility and light it yourself. Judges 12:2-3Luke 5:5-6 For your light to shine successfully, you must do everything by the word of God. Why? Heb. 4:12 The group you join and the people you follow determine if your light will shine. Scribes: Matt. 23:23-24;28-30. Disciples: Jn...
Dealing With Spiritual Forces

What are spiritual forces? These are unseen forces that come about as a result of some factors. Here are some of the things that bring about spiritual forces. Spoken Words. Jn 6:63; Job 22:27-28; Eccl 8:4; Gen 9:25, Num 13:27-29, Matt. 15:22The solution for this spiritual force – Matt. 5:37 Sacrifice. 2 Kgs 3:26-27; 2 Chron 5:13-14; 1 Kgs 3:4-5The solution – 2 Cor. 9:6 Blood covenants. Exo. 12:13; Col. 1:14; Rev. 1:5-6. Sin. 1 Chron. 5:1; Prov. 14:34; Rom. 6:23The solution – Gal 5:16-17 1st Service Sunday 20/8/2023
Springs of Living Water

Jn. 7:38 As a Christian, you are made to be a living water that does the following. Quenches thirst/Drinking. Water can remedy hunger and quench thirst. Although you didn’t provide his need, you remedied the situation.Matt. 25:34; Mk 9:41 Washing/Cleansing. There should be a change process for good in the life of someone that comes in contact with you from the moment you both come in contact.2 Kgs 5:10,14; Jn 9:7 Quenches fire/Solution to all manner of troubles. As a Christian, we are called to respond to all situations. Anyone that encounters you should be relieved of their challenges. Your...