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Destiny and talent sermon image

Destiny & Talent

Talent – In simple terms, talent is what you received from where you came from. It’s a natural ability to do something very well without struggle. You can also describe talent as a gift or special endowment from God Gift – Gift refers to what you get out of your talent. Destiny – Destiny is...

commitment to the kingdom

Commitment To The Kingdom

Here are a few things you should know about the kingdom. There are things that militate against your service to the kingdom of God. These include what to eat, what to drink, and what to wear.Matt 6:31-32 KJV. Not in words but actions. The kingdom of God isn’t in words but in actions. 1 Cor...

Dealing With The Powers of Darkness

Dealing With The Powers of Darkness

What are the powers of darkness? These are powers that operate in the secret to oppose good things. They are spiritual personalities fighting human personalities. You must prepare yourself to deal with the powers of darkness. If you don’t deal with them, they’ll deal with you. How does the power of darkness work? They have...

god's promise of blessings

God’s Promise of Blessing

God is a God that blesses people. He makes a promise and fulfils it, unlike man who makes a promise and doesn’t fulfil it. The blessings of God are innumerable and His children will enjoy these blessings. Here are a few things you should know about the blessings of God. It comes as an idea...



God is faithful to fulfill His word and also for a man who will also willingling and obediently do his own part. Though most people leave in deception, you can learn to keep to covenants as Paul did in 2 Tim. 4:7-8. Mt. 24:35 KJV.Num. 23:19 KJV.Mk. 9:31 KJV.Luke 18:33 KJV.Eze. 22:30 KJV.Ps. 12:2 KJV....

why do unbelievers prosper

Why Do Unbelievers Prosper?

Jer. 12:1 KJV.Habb. 1:13 KJV.Psalm 73:12-14 KJV This is a question that Christians and even non-believers have asked over the years. In this sermon, you’ll find out that there’s no direct answer as to why unbelievers prosper. However, you’ll also learn that though they prosper, there’s an end for them. See Ps. 73:17 KJV Until...

What You Choose To Do

What You Choose To Do

Whatever you choose to do, do it now and do it quickly! Here are some bible verses to support this. Ecc. 9:10 KJV.Jn 13:22 KJV.Jn 9:4 KJV.Esther 4:16 KJV.2 Kings 3:26-27 KJV. Why is it important to do what you choose to do immediately? The days are evil. Eph. 5:16 KJV. So that you’ll be...

Honey From The Rocks

Honey From The Rocks

A rock consists primarily of grains and minerals. It’s a crystalline solid formed from atoms chemically bonded into an orderly structure. Rocks are very strong, but even their hardness is beneficial to man and the environment. In the same way, that troubling situation in your life can give way to sweetness. Judges 14:14 KJV summarizes...

the veil

The Veil

How does the veil come upon a man? When Moses is read. This kind of veil comes from breaking the law. (Sin and guilt).2. Cor 3:15-16 KJV. Cast over all people. This is a general type of veiling that is cast over the people, over families, and nationally. It leaves by mountain/temple ministration.Zech 1:18-21 KJV....

I Am God

I Am God

In that situation and challenge you’re going through, have it in mind that God is telling you I am God. I change not. In this world of ours, new challenges emerge every day, things change, and people change too, but we can trust God for His unchanging ability.Mal. 3:6 KJV.Heb. 13:8 KJV.James 1:17 KJV.Num. 23:19...