There are ways you can respond to divine instructions. However, you must wait for instructions, guidelines, revelations, and empowerment. See Acts 1:4
Category: Sermons
What Attracts Battles
There are several things that can attract battles to a Christian and a person generally. They include the following.
Dealing With Human Hands
Human influence is something you need to learn how to deal with. Rev. 13:18 talks about the number of man. The effects of human influence include Why you need to deal with human hands/influence
Obedience To God
You have to be obedient to God as a Christian if you will enjoy your life and eat the good of the land. Here are some benefits of being obedient to God. 1 Sam 15:22, Lk 5:5-6 Benefits of Obedience to God
Asset Not Liability
Assets and liabilities are opposites. An asset is something valuable that brings returns on investment while a liability doesn’t bring returns on investments. Children are God’s gifts to us and they can become assets and not liabilities if you do the right thing. How can you make children assets? [Sunday 26th May 2024 Combined Service]
When God Answers Prayers Pt 2
Here is a continuation of the sermon “when God answers prayers“. and these are the things He does. [2nd Service Sunday 19th May 2024]
When God Answers Prayers
When God answers prayers, there are things that happen (signs that show you He has answered your prayers. [Sunday 19th May 2024 1st Service]
Building Capacity
You have to learn how to build capacity as a Christian. God wants you to grow, enlarge, increase, extend, and be better. He wants you to have a global mindset. The talents He gave you are for global impact. See Lk 19:13, 1 Chron 4:10, Gen. 12:1-3 Global blessings begin when you have made up...
A Field Unattended To
When you leave a field unattended, a lot of things begin to happen. The Bible says in Prov. 29:15 that a child left to himself will bring shame to the mother. So you must not leave your field abandoned. See Heb. 13:5. Who are the fields? A child, yourself, your business, your marriage, etc. How...
The Log In Your Eye
You must first of all consider the speck, beam, plank, saw dust, tiny piece of substance, or log in your eye before trying to remove it from the eyes of another. This means you must first work on yourself or mind your business. Why is this important? Matt. 7:3 2nd Service Sunday 5th May 2024