Why Do Unbelievers Prosper?

why do unbelievers prosper

Jer. 12:1 KJV.Habb. 1:13 KJV.Psalm 73:12-14 KJV This is a question that Christians and even non-believers have asked over the years. In this sermon, you’ll find out that there’s no direct answer as to why unbelievers prosper. However, you’ll also learn that though they prosper, there’s an end for them. See Ps. 73:17 KJV Until you come up to the sanctuary, you’ll not know their secrets and you may not match nor topple them. What is a sanctuary? A sanctuary is a Cut off place from the rest of the land. In your daily activities, have the mindset that you’re...

What You Choose To Do

What You Choose To Do

Whatever you choose to do, do it now and do it quickly! Here are some bible verses to support this. Ecc. 9:10 KJV.Jn 13:22 KJV.Jn 9:4 KJV.Esther 4:16 KJV.2 Kings 3:26-27 KJV. Why is it important to do what you choose to do immediately? The days are evil. Eph. 5:16 KJV. So that you’ll be in command. 1 Chron 12:32 KJV. God is looking for such a man. Eze. 22:30 KJV. God said we are gods. Ps. 82:5-6 KJV. Jn 10:34 KJV.

Honey From The Rocks

Honey From The Rocks

A rock consists primarily of grains and minerals. It’s a crystalline solid formed from atoms chemically bonded into an orderly structure. Rocks are very strong, but even their hardness is beneficial to man and the environment. In the same way, that troubling situation in your life can give way to sweetness. Judges 14:14 KJV summarizes it all. Consider the following about rocks. You can build. Matt. 16:18 KJV. You have the key. Matt. 16:19 KJV. Make no haste. 1 Sam. 26:26 KJV. You will suck honey and oil from it. Deut. 32:13 KJV.Jer. 32:17 & 27 KJV. Gen. 18:14 KJV.

The Veil

the veil

How does the veil come upon a man? When Moses is read. This kind of veil comes from breaking the law. (Sin and guilt).2. Cor 3:15-16 KJV. Cast over all people. This is a general type of veiling that is cast over the people, over families, and nationally. It leaves by mountain/temple ministration.Zech 1:18-21 KJV. Charismatic covering. This is the veil of the temple. The set of evil people who also go to church and are familiar. This kind of covering goes by crying to heaven. Ps. 55:12-14 KJV.Mt. 13:27 KJV. Unknown covering from unknown sources. This kind of covering...

I Am God

I Am God

In that situation and challenge you’re going through, have it in mind that God is telling you I am God. I change not. In this world of ours, new challenges emerge every day, things change, and people change too, but we can trust God for His unchanging ability.Mal. 3:6 KJV.Heb. 13:8 KJV.James 1:17 KJV.Num. 23:19 KJV.Isa 40:8 KJV. The God of all flesh. When you make God your God, your enemies become His, and He’ll beat them before you.Jer. 32:26-27 KJV.Ez. 18:4 KJV.Ps. 89:22-23 KJV.Isa 60:3 KJV.Psalm 66:3 KJV. The owner of the earth.Ps 24:1 KJV.Amos 9:6 KJV.Ps. 75:7 KJV.Dan....

Judgment of The Lord

Judgment of The Lord

The judgment of the Lord can come upon people for several reasons including the following. According to the truth against them that commit evil and try to escape it. Rom. 2:2 KJV.Ps. 51:6 KJV.Jn 8:32 KJV. According to what you’ve done. Gen. 4:7 KJV.Isa 40:10 KJV.Rev. 22:12 KJV. Without respect.Acts 10:34-35 KJV.Rom. 2:11 KJV.Matt 21:29-31 KJV. Against sinners. In judgment, people shall only save themselves by their own righteousness. Know that satan is afraid of God’s judgement.Rom. 2:3 KJV.Rom. 1:18 KJV.Rom. 2:6 KJV.Ez. 18:31-32 KJV.Ez. 14:14 KJV. As you are.Ps. 18:25-26 KJV.Mt. 5:7 KJV. Date: 21-08-2022 1st Service

The Giving Ministry

The Giving Ministry

All of us are ministers and there are different ministries that saints can be a part of. Some of them can be found in the following bible verses2 Cor 3:6 KJV.Ps 104:2 KJV.2 Cor 9:12 KJV.2 Cor 5:18 KJV. In the ministry of giving, the following happens You reshape your destiny. It is the carpenter that reshapes the destiny of the wood for good.Jn 3:16 KJV.2 Kings 3:26-27 KJV.Gen. 18:3-4, 9-10 KJV. You gain an advantage over the enemy.Judges 4:18-19,21 KJV.Prov. 25:21-22 KJV.Rom. 12:20 KJV. You build a better future and create a world beyond imagination. We make a living...

Building Unto Perfection

Building Unto Perfection

Building unto perfection is God’s nature. God is perfect, and He continues his works until He perfects them. Therefore, he expects us to do our works unto perfection. Phil 1:6 KJV.Rom. 8:30 KJV.James 1:17 KJV. Gen. 4:3-5 KJV.Rom. 10:1-2 KJV.Prov. 19:2 KJV.Rev. 2:2-5 KJV. Dangers of Not Building Unto Perfection You won’t be crowned. 2 Tim 2:5 KJV.2 Tim4:7-8 KJV. Even God will avoid you.Rev. 3:15-16 KJV. It’s an invitation to mockery.Lk. 14:28-30 KJV. Date: 7/8/2022 2nd Service.

How To Experience Restoration

how to experience restoration

What are the things someone can do to experience restoration? Shake the world around you. This shaking includes the physical and the spiritual worlds and is clearly illustrated by the following bible verses.Hag. 2:7,9 KJV.Acts 2:2 KJV.Josh 6:20 KJV. Cry/weep for it. Israel’s journey for freedom began when they cried unto God. It ended with a shout.Ex. 3:9-10 KJV.Isa 58:9 KJV.Jer. 33:3 KJV. Remember what you lost.Ps. 137:1 KJV.Jn 5:7 KJV. Date: 7/8/2022 1st Service

The Useful Youth

the useful youth

Youths are useful and so is the youthful stage of life. But not many understand this. In this sermon, you’ll find practical tips on how to become a useful youth. Ecc. 11:9 KJV. Ecc. 12:1 KJV. How to be useful Live according to the word of God. When you start to live according to the word of God, you’ll become useful. This is highlighted in the following verses. You should know this – the word of God doesn’t change standards because you’re a youth.Ps. 119:9 KJV.James 1:22-23 KJV.Joshua 1:8 KJV. Be courageous. As a youth, you must be courageous. Until...