Satanic traps are real and you should avoid them because the devil will always try to set them for you.
Here are some signs that help you to identify a satanic trap.
- When something is pushing you against your will. Something can be pushing you to
- Sin. Prov. 4:16, Psalm 36:4, Eze 18:4
- Backslide. Hosea 4:16, Hosea 11:7-8
Rom. 7:15, Rom 7:19-20
Acts 21:10-14, Acts 21:31-32
Gen 49:3-4
- You are given other options (dual loyalty).
Matt. 6:24, Jn 1:47,50, 1 Sam 28:5-7, Isa 28:16 - Makes you breach terms and conditions (break hedge).
Eccl. 10:8, Prov. 27:8, 1 Sam 2:30, 1 Kgs 11:1-3, Judges 14:3
What is the solution to avoiding satanic traps?
- Self control.
- Stick to the word of God.
- Don’t break your hedge.
2nd Service Sun 13th August 2023
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