Honey From The Rocks

Honey From The Rocks

A rock consists primarily of grains and minerals. It’s a crystalline solid formed from atoms chemically bonded into an orderly structure. Rocks are very strong, but even their hardness is beneficial to man and the environment. In the same way, that troubling situation in your life can give way to sweetness. Judges 14:14 KJV summarizes it all.

Consider the following about rocks.

  1. You can build. Matt. 16:18 KJV.
  2. You have the key. Matt. 16:19 KJV.
  3. Make no haste. 1 Sam. 26:26 KJV.
  4. You will suck honey and oil from it. Deut. 32:13 KJV.
    Jer. 32:17 & 27 KJV.
    Gen. 18:14 KJV.

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