Roadblocks of Life

Road blocks of life

What are roadblocks? Roadblocks refer to the experiences and the things that slow down the speed, delay movement, and cause accidents if it’s not well seen, or an enemy’s ploy to attack his opponent/victim. Somebody can be moving, yet without speed – as a result of roadblocks.

What are the roadblocks of life?

  1. The people. If you can take care of the people, then your speed in life cannot slow down.
    See 1 Sam 15:24 (KJV). And Saul said unto Samuel, I have sinned: for I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord, and thy words: because I feared the people, and obeyed their voice.

FIND OUT THE OTHER ROADBLOCKS OF LIFE. Here’s a link to the full sermon.

Date: Sunday 17.1.2021 [1st Service]

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