To get to any destination, you must follow the right way/path that leads to that destination. If the right path isn’t followed, you will end up in another destination where you may need to start afresh. This will cost you more money, strength, explanation, and time.
Jesus showed us that He’s the way to the father in Jn 14:6.
The way to Jesus is Humility. Phil 2:5, Phil 2:7-9, Heb 12:1
The way to Life is to refrain your tongue from evil. 1 Pet 3:10, Prov 18:21, Isa 5:20, Gal. 6:7-8.
A man who controls his tongue have solved almost every problem of life. When you do evil or support it, you will never get away with it.
The way to the Spirit is to keep the law of the Spirit. rom. 8:2, Jer. 6:16, Ps 119:105.
The words you speak energizes the spirit that leads your steps. Jn 6:63, Jer. 6:16
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