Blood Guilt

blood guilt
Blood Guilt – 2nd Service

Ps. 51:14 KJV.
Lev. 17:13-14 KJV.
Num. 35:33-34 KJV.

Ways of Committing Blood Guilt

  1. Killing – You can enter into blood guilt by killing someone.
    Exo 20:13 KJV.
    Matt 5:21 KJV.
  2. Sexual intercourse
    1 Cor 6:13 KJV.
    1 Cor 6:17-18 KJV
  3. Masturbation
    Gen. 38:6-9 KJV.
  4. Blood oaths.
    Matt. 5:33-35 KJV.

Consequences of blood guilt

  1. You cannot build.
    1 Chron 28:3 KJV.
  2. Destiny fulfillment transfer.
    1 Kings 8:19 KJV.
  3. Invitation to spirits.
    1 Cor 6:16 KJV.

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