Victory Over Battles

Victory Over Battles

The strength of a soldier is in his tactics and weapons. Our weapons as spiritual soldiers are found in Eph. 6:11-17. Our tactic for war is based on our depth of intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

Prov. 24:10 KJV. If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.

How do our battles come? Our battles come as

  1. Attacks – These can be either spiritual or physical.
  2. Seduction.
  3. Compromise.
  4. Adventure.
  5. Betrayal.

What does God say about battles/victory?

  1. Rejoice – Jn 16:33 KJV.
  2. God will be with youIsa 43:2 KJV.
  3. God gives us victory in Christ – 2 Cor. 15:57 KJV.
  4. God will strengthen you – Isa 41:10 KJV.
  5. We’ll overcome – 1 Jn 5:4 KJV.

It’s important to note that God will stand by you as the battle rages. You will be a partner in progress as God fights your battles for you.

Things You should know about battles.

  1. It puts a man together. The story of the centurion in Luke 7:1-10 sheds more light on how battles puts a man together.
  2. It announces a man. In Lk 8:43-48, the bible tells us about the woman with the issue of blood.
  3. It attracts glory/crown.
    2 Tim. 4:7-8 KJV.
    Jude 3-4 KJV

The strength you have over battles

  1. Watch and pray that you enter not into more battles.
    Matt. 26:41 KJV.
  2. Mind who leads you.
    Matt. 6:13 KJV.
    Phil 3:18-19 KJV.
  3. Check your flair (your appetite and enticements).
    Matt. 18:8-9 KJV.
    James 1:4 KJV.
  4. How you respond to others facing their own battles.
    Gal 6:1-2 KJV.
  5. Lift up your hands and call people to support you.
    Ex. 17:11-12 KJV.

Date – 6/3/2022 Second Service

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