The Force of Prayer

the force of prayer

Prayer has an inherent force that goes with it, so when you pray, especially with all your heart, and believe that God will answer you, the force of prayer manifests. The following verses highlight the force of prayer.

2 Kings 3:27 KJV. The rain didn’t fall.
Acts 12:5-7 KJV. There was a prison break.
Acts 10:9-10 KJV. There was a clear revelation.

Keep these three things in mind.

  1. If you don’t dream or have difficulties gathering your dreams, it’s a clear sign that you don’t have a prayer life. You can’t have a robust prayer life and not have clear spiritual signals.
  2. The force of prayer that changes things remarkably isn’t the one you take as dosage from the doctor. There are Christians who take prayer as though the doctor gave them a dosage for it.
    Mk. 9:29 KJV.
  3. Salt, oil, and weighty foods weaken your spiritual commanding ability.

Date: 17/7/2022 2nd Service

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