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Building Godly Confidence image

Godly Confidence

You must have Godly confidence if you’re going to make a difference as a Christian. Godly confidence has to do with that unflinching confidence in God knowing that he can deliver wholly and fully. It’s total trust in God’s power to deliver. See Isa 28:16, Mark 16:15, Acts 4:20, Prov 24:10, Acts 4:13, Dan 3:16....

enough is enough sermon

Enough Is Enough

You need to take a stand so that certain things that are happening in your life right now will stop. When you don’t take this stand, things will keep happening the way you don’t want. For enough is enough to work for you, 1st Service Sunday 4th February 2024

Time For Everything

Time For Everything

One of the important things you should know about time is that there is time for everything and when you miss an opportunity that is time bound, it will take you another time to get that opportunity back.

the unshining star sermon

The Unshining Star

The original design of every star is that it must shine. Therefore, if the star is not shining, it cannot be seen. So, when a star is not shining, you should know that there is a problem. Stars attract involuntary worship when it shines like it should, and when it’s shining, it can be seen...

the thoughts of your heart sermon

The Thoughts Of Your Heart

What are the thoughts of your heart like? As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. When you want to go beyond a certain level, you must be ready to change your pattern of thinking. In this sermon, Rev. (Dr) Isaiah Orjiakor shares insights into the thoughts of a man’s heart. To control...

Enemies Of Divine Settlement

Enemies Of Divine Settlement

There are many enemies that can stop you from getting divine settlement if you don’t take care of them. In this sermon, you’ll find out what these enemies of divine settlement are and how you can take care of them! What are the enemies of divine settlement? Eye service. When you begin to do things...

God's Settlement Divine Settlement image

God’s Settlement

God settles people, as long as you’ve served Him faithfully and done all that is required of you. In this sermon, we’ll find out the ways God settles people. God’s settlement comes as a blessing. Gen. 1:28Blessings come in different forms – to speak well of someone, to speak and invoke wellness over someone, and...

how to have a productive year sermon

How To Have A Productive Year

The year has just begun and we’ve counted some days off. If you don’t do the right things this year, you may not get the best results. Also, if you repeat the old mistakes of the previous years, you’ll also not get the best results that you seek. Here are a few things you should...

Active Christianity

Active Christianity

Stop being a passive Christian, become an active Christian. Stop saying you have faith when you don’t have works to show your faith. The bible makes it clear that faith without works is dead. Stop complaining and begin to take charge of the things you complained about before. As a Christian, you should know that...

The Purpose of His Coming Sermon

The Purpose Of His Coming

Many people celebrate Christmas oblivious of the fact that Jesus Christ didn’t come for us to just celebrate Christmas and make merry. He came to do a lot of things for us, and his birth brought a new change in the lives of men. Here are five purposes for his coming. To save you. From...