Avoiding Satanic Traps

avoiding satanic traps

Satanic traps are real and you should avoid them because the devil will always try to set them for you. Here are some signs that help you to identify a satanic trap. When something is pushing you against your will. Something can be pushing you to Sin. Prov. 4:16, Psalm 36:4, Eze 18:4 Backslide. Hosea 4:16, Hosea 11:7-8Rom. 7:15, Rom 7:19-20Acts 21:10-14, Acts 21:31-32Gen 49:3-4 You are given other options (dual loyalty).Matt. 6:24, Jn 1:47,50, 1 Sam 28:5-7, Isa 28:16 Makes you breach terms and conditions (break hedge).Eccl. 10:8, Prov. 27:8, 1 Sam 2:30, 1 Kgs 11:1-3, Judges 14:3 What...

The Need for Power

You Need Power sermon image

Power is important and it is classified into different areas, including political, technical, skillful, sexual, economic, and spiritual power. What does the Bible say about God and power? One of the key bible verses where the Bible talks about God and power is Psalm 62:11, where it clearly says that “all power belongs to God”. Ps. 62:11Exo 3:19-20Acts 1:4,8 Christianity and Godliness doesn’t render a person useless and vulnerable to manipulation and victimization. That you are a Christian does not leave you defenseless and a victim of attacks. You can resist attempts on you and wield power over the enemies...

Fellowship Of Brethren

fellowship of brethren image

If you don’t take fellowship with Christian brethren serious, you’re missing a lot. Here are some important benefits of fellowshipping with brethren. Because the day of the coming of the Lord approaches. Heb. 10:25 KJV. It lifts your spirit and it flows. God commands His blessing on your life. Ps 133:1-5 KJV. It gives you the opportunity to make agreement prayers. Matt 18:19-20 KJV. You get the opportunity for prayer and communion. Acts 2:42 The blood of Jesus will cleanse you. 1 Jn 1:7 You come to meet God every time you fellowship with the brethren. 1 Jn 1:3 Your...

Destiny & Talent

Destiny and talent sermon image

Talent – In simple terms, talent is what you received from where you came from. It’s a natural ability to do something very well without struggle. You can also describe talent as a gift or special endowment from God Gift – Gift refers to what you get out of your talent. Destiny – Destiny is the path you’ve taken in showcasing your talent. Note: One thing you should note is that spiritual gifts are received and talents are inherited, but the two can work together. Also see Matt. 25:14-15 KJV. Here are some things you should know about talents. It’s...

Commitment To The Kingdom

commitment to the kingdom

Here are a few things you should know about the kingdom. There are things that militate against your service to the kingdom of God. These include what to eat, what to drink, and what to wear.Matt 6:31-32 KJV. Not in words but actions. The kingdom of God isn’t in words but in actions. 1 Cor 4:20 KJV. There are many people that aren’t prepared for it. The parable of the ten virgins illustrates this. Ten virgins – Matt. 25:1-4 KJV. The wise work for reward while the foolish wait for blessings. They want quick settlement so that they can go,...

Dealing With The Powers of Darkness

Dealing With The Powers of Darkness

What are the powers of darkness? These are powers that operate in the secret to oppose good things. They are spiritual personalities fighting human personalities. You must prepare yourself to deal with the powers of darkness. If you don’t deal with them, they’ll deal with you. How does the power of darkness work? They have no permanent address or office. Job 1:7 KJV, 1 Pet. 5:8 KJV. They go up or down seeking whom to destroy. They respond to rebukes and quarrel. Jam. 4:7 KJV. They can change to anything. Job 1:6 KJV. What is their assignment? To kill, steal,...

God’s Promise of Blessing

god's promise of blessings

God is a God that blesses people. He makes a promise and fulfils it, unlike man who makes a promise and doesn’t fulfil it. The blessings of God are innumerable and His children will enjoy these blessings. Here are a few things you should know about the blessings of God. It comes as an idea or wisdom. Ps. 51:6 KJV.Job. 35:10-11 KJV.James 1:12 KJV. The blessings of God doesn’t come at once. You have to develop it when it is given to you. Job 8: 7 KJV.Job 14:2 KJV.2 Cor 3:15 KJV.Gen 18:9 KJV. It comes when you believe. If...



God is faithful to fulfill His word and also for a man who will also willingling and obediently do his own part. Though most people leave in deception, you can learn to keep to covenants as Paul did in 2 Tim. 4:7-8. Mt. 24:35 KJV.Num. 23:19 KJV.Mk. 9:31 KJV.Luke 18:33 KJV.Eze. 22:30 KJV.Ps. 12:2 KJV. When people don’t fulfill their parts, God considers them as Fools. Eccl. 5:4 KJV. Sinners. Deut. 23:21 KJV.Ps. 119:60-61 KJV.Ps. 66:13-15 KJV.Deut. 24:15 KJV. Able to fight for themselves (Don’t need God).Ps. 76:11 KJV. People of perilious times.2 Tim. 3:1-3 KJV.Num 30:2 KJV.Judg 11:34-35 KJV.