Rejected Stones

rejected stones image

Ps 118:22 KJV.Mt 21:42 KJV.1 Peter 2:4-5 KJV. As stones, we can be rejected. Here are some instances and bible verses that highlight our rejection. Jephthah – Judges 11:1-2 KJV.Jesus – Acts 4:10-11 KJV.Disciples – Mt. 5:11-12 KJV. Reasons Why People Are Rejected You can be rejected for one or more of the following reasons. When you are a mighty man. Exhibiting extraordinary wisdom, knowledge, or power, even as a child. When your operations and systems are not understood by laymen. Bear in mind that what people don’t know, they destroy. When you are supernaturally loved. When you have a...

Handling Difficult Matters

handling difficult matters

What does it mean to handle difficult matters? What are the processes involved in handling difficult matters? How Can I Handle Difficult Matters? Read on to find out the things you need to do to handle difficult matters. 1. Identify the whole truth of the matter. One of the first things you need to do when you’re faced with a difficult matter is to identify the whole truth of the matter. The whole truth here includes the past, the present, and the future; the past has a link to the present and the future. Memories of the past if not...

The Force of Prayer

the force of prayer

Prayer has an inherent force that goes with it, so when you pray, especially with all your heart, and believe that God will answer you, the force of prayer manifests. The following verses highlight the force of prayer. 2 Kings 3:27 KJV. The rain didn’t fall.Acts 12:5-7 KJV. There was a prison break.Acts 10:9-10 KJV. There was a clear revelation. Keep these three things in mind. If you don’t dream or have difficulties gathering your dreams, it’s a clear sign that you don’t have a prayer life. You can’t have a robust prayer life and not have clear spiritual signals....

Settled Matters

settled matters image

A matter may have been settled and one can still be looking for settlement without knowing that the matter has been settled. When matters are settled, it’s for a reason. Take a look at the following points. When Matters Are Settled Instruction (Jn 8:11 KJV). When matters are settled, they come with instructions. It can be reversed. (Jn 5:14 KJV). Settled matters can be reversed if you do any of the following. If you go back to sin/if you go back to the world. If you don’t go for thanksgiving. If you don’t believe. It can be permanent. Lk. 22:31-32...

Avoiding Human Carelessness

avoiding human carelessness

There are places you should never go to, no matter who calls you. Careless talks take away your honor and glory. Everything that a man says, counts. You were given a mouth to create your world. It was because of careless talks that Esau lost his birthright first, then with the food. Gen 49:4 KJVJudges 4:8 KJVGen 25:29 KJVJames 1:19 KJVProv 17:28 KJV You shouldn’t tell everyone everything. In Judges 16:16-17, the bible showed how Delilah pressed Samson daily with her words until he told her all his heart. And this led to his death. What You Should Know About...

What You Need To Know About Children

What you need to know about children

Here are some amazing and important things you need to know about children. Children see.Ex. 12:25-26 KJV.Josh. 4:21 KJV.Prov. 29:15 KJV. Children are your students/pupils.Deut. 4:9 KJV.Eph. 6:4 KJV.Ps. 78:56 KJV.Prov. 22:6 KJV. Children are your weapon. Ps. 129:3-4 KJV.1 Sam. 2:12 KJV.Jn 2:3 KJV. Children want to be loved.Mk 10:13-14 KJV.Matt 19:13-15 KJVMk 15:21-28 KJV. Children are like plants.Ps 128:3 KJV.Matt 13:24-25 KJV.Prov. 22:15 KJV.Ps. 144:12 KJV. In Psalm 128:3, the bible made it clear that children are like olive plants. Here are some of the attributes of an olive plant. Longevity. Olive plants can live for thousands of...

Significant Exchange

Significant Exchange

Isaiah 43:3-4 KJV. To possess anything you love or cherish or anything precious in your eyes, you must present a ransom for it; a gift exchange. In destiny, exchange and ransom is possible. John 3:16 KJV.Matt. 16:26 KJV.Isa 53:5 KJV. Approach of Exchanges Matt. 7:7 KJV. Ask. To beg, to plead to have, to cry out of frustration and affliction. Matt. 15:22-28 KJV.Mk 9:17-24 KJV. Seek. This exchange on a healthy state can be described as the best approach though the outcome or result is not time-bound. No loss yet. It’s done out of love for the future. It’s also...

Blood Guilt

blood guilt

Ps. 51:14 KJV.Lev. 17:13-14 KJV.Num. 35:33-34 KJV. Ways of Committing Blood Guilt Killing – You can enter into blood guilt by killing someone.Exo 20:13 KJV.Matt 5:21 KJV. Sexual intercourse1 Cor 6:13 KJV.1 Cor 6:17-18 KJV MasturbationGen. 38:6-9 KJV. Blood oaths.Matt. 5:33-35 KJV. Consequences of blood guilt You cannot build. 1 Chron 28:3 KJV. Destiny fulfillment transfer.1 Kings 8:19 KJV. Invitation to spirits.1 Cor 6:16 KJV.

You and Yours

you and yours

Self-discovery begins with the fact that you are responsible for your actions and inactions. God sees and deals with us as individuals, not as a group. Everything about you is not hidden, it’s not a secret because God sees and knows all. And somebody somewhere knows or sees something about you. Who you are begins from your heart, therefore, when you tolerate iniquity, it means your heart accepts it. Here are some things to know about yourself. You didn’t form yourself, God did. So, you cannot be smarter than your maker. A TV cannot be smarter than its producer.Jer. 1:5...