Standing For Jesus

Standing For Jesus

[1st Service – 16/8/2020]
Bible Verse – John 13:14 (KJV).

If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet.

Who’s Jesus? Matt. 1:20-23 talks about the name of Jesus and the purpose of his birth – to save his people from Sin. So Jesus is the savior. He was born in heaven and came to the earth to save man. He died a premature death so that his children will live long. He was rich in heaven but came down to the earth poor, so that through his poverty, his children can become rich.

It was impossible for the grave to hold him captive and after three days, he rose from the grave. And he ascended back to heaven after giving the Great Commission to his disciples. He enjoined us to stand for him.

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