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Understanding The Ministry of Giving sermon image

Understanding The Ministry of Giving

In John 3:16-17, we see one of the characteristics of God – He’s a giver – and he gave his only son to us. In the ministry of giving, there are some things that takes place. You demonstrate love. There is no love that doesn’t demonstrate itself without giving. If you love someone, you must...

Winning By Thanksgiving sermon image

Winning By Thanksgiving

One of the strategies for winning the challenges and battles of life is through thanksgiving. In this sermon, we’ll see how thanksgiving brings forth wins for everyone that adopts thanksgiving. Many people don’t appreciate what they have and have received. When you don’t know how to say thank you for the things you’ve been blessed...

Make No Haste

Make No Haste

People make haste and run into problems. The bible encourages us not to make haste. Here are some things that happen when people make haste and the signs that you are making haste. When you make haste, you try to be faster than you should be. You’ll think there is a shortcut. You’ll want to...

The purpose of thanksgiving image

Purpose Of Thanksgiving

Many people often overlook the act of thanksgiving because they feel it’s not necessary. The two words “thank you” you say to someone that helped you can make them help you even the more. It’s important that we learn to thank God as Christians. Here are a few purposes for thanksgiving to God. It is...

why you need to watch and pray sermon

Why You Need To Watch And Pray

Jesus told us in Matt. 26:41 to watch and pray because of how important doing both activities were to our survival as Christians. In this sermon, Rev. (Dr) Isaiah Orjiakor highlights 4 important reasons why we need to watch and pray. Here are some important reasons why we need to watch and pray. So that...

dealing with double life

Dealing With Double Life

If you’re living a double life as a Christian, you’re setting up yourself for failure. In several instances in the bible, we see the biblical perspective on people who live a double life and how they won’t be able to obtain anything from God. In this sermon, Rev. (Dr) Isaiah Orjiakor shares deep insights into...

D fight with darkness sermon

The Fight With Darkness

One of the many challenges you’ll continuously face as an individual and as a Christian is constant battles with darkness. The book of Eph 6:12 makes it clear the classes of darkness we have to fight against. There are several things you can do to win the fight against darkness. What are these things you...

Freedom from Captivity

Freedom From Captivity

Many people are in captivity today for several reasons as mentioned in the sermon. Some are in captivity for the sins of their fathers, while others are in captivity for fighting and losing a battle. What has kept you in captivity? How do you get out of it? In this sermon, you’ll learn all these...

The Fruits Of Your Labour Sermon Rev Dr Isaiah Orjiakor

The Fruits Of Your Labour

You will reap the fruits of your labour. Why is it important that this will happen? It is the will of God. 3 Jn 2, Ps 126:5-6, Gal 6:7, Gen 26:12 It’s an ordinance/law.Gen. 8:22 Other things you need to know about the fruits of your labour and the rules that guide it. It requires...