There are many enemies that can stop you from getting divine settlement if you don’t take care of them. In this sermon, you’ll find out what these enemies of divine settlement are and how you can take care of them! What are the enemies of divine settlement? Eye service. When you begin to do things...
Category: Sermons
God’s Settlement
God settles people, as long as you’ve served Him faithfully and done all that is required of you. In this sermon, we’ll find out the ways God settles people. God’s settlement comes as a blessing. Gen. 1:28Blessings come in different forms – to speak well of someone, to speak and invoke wellness over someone, and...
How To Have A Productive Year
The year has just begun and we’ve counted some days off. If you don’t do the right things this year, you may not get the best results. Also, if you repeat the old mistakes of the previous years, you’ll also not get the best results that you seek. Here are a few things you should...
Active Christianity
Stop being a passive Christian, become an active Christian. Stop saying you have faith when you don’t have works to show your faith. The bible makes it clear that faith without works is dead. Stop complaining and begin to take charge of the things you complained about before. As a Christian, you should know that...
The Purpose Of His Coming
Many people celebrate Christmas oblivious of the fact that Jesus Christ didn’t come for us to just celebrate Christmas and make merry. He came to do a lot of things for us, and his birth brought a new change in the lives of men. Here are five purposes for his coming. To save you. From...
Let God Have His Way
Let God have His way in your life. Stop trying to do things your own way according to your plan. You know why? Because God has better plans for you. Here are some reasons why you should let God have his way. The ways of God are not the ways of man. Matt. 5:14 God...
Buried Under
There are things buried under that can affect you and your family. It’s even worse if you have no idea that some things have been buried under against you. There are several effects things buried under can have against you and they include the following. You can’t withstand your enemies. Josh 7:12 It causes troubles....
Roll Away The Stone
As ordinary as the stone may seem, in the hands of a knowledgeable person, it can become a tool that serves as a stumbling block against others. It can also be used to institute an altar against a person or people. David in his battle with Goliath picked stones, one of which brought Goliath down....
The Fruits Of Righteousness
The bible says in Proverbs 14:34 that Righteousness exalts a nation. If you say you’re living righteously, you should bear the fruits thereof i.e. live by it. When you don’t reap the fruits of righteousness, there are consequences that follow. Here are some of the benefits of living a righteous life. Benefits of living a...
You Are A Divine Project
A project is a task that a master/someone sets out to do for the reason of serving a purpose for him. It’s a decision to bring an idea into manifestation. See Isaiah 49:1, Jer. 29:11, 1 Jn 5:14. How does a project begin? A project begins with a plan. Luke 14:28 One of the main...