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commitment to service main 1

Commitment To Service

Service is important and many people want to serve, but being committed to service is what they find difficult. When any service lacks commitment, that service becomes a waste. If you’re not serving God, you’re not licensed to spiritual security that he alone can provide. 2 Chron. 25:1-2 KJV. Amaziah was twenty and five years...

The tree that bears fruits image

The Tree That Bears Fruits

In the Bible, there are many references that show men are like trees. Before God, men are like trees and as such, we are expected to bear fruits. Dan 4:20-22 KJV. The tree that thou sawest, which grew, and was strong, whose height reached unto the heaven, and the sight thereof to all the earth;...

the ministry of salt img

The Ministry of Salt

What is salt? 2 Chron. 13:5, Ezekiel 47:11, Deut 29:23, Judges 9:49, Matt 5:13, 2 Kings 2:19-22, Lev. 2:13. In Matt. 5:13, Jesus called us the salt of the world and told us that if the salt loses its taste, it’ll be thrown out and trodden upon by men. Understanding that we Christians are like...

Broken Blocks

Broken Blocks

For certain construction tasks, blocks are used. There are times when full-sized blocks are broken into pieces to fit into space during the construction process. The same way a builder uses broken blocks is similar to what God can use us for, irrespective of how broken we think we are. A block can be broken...

sit down and think

Sit Down And Think

Before anyone embarks on a project, they, first of all, take out time and think about the project. This simply refers to sitting down to think. As a Christian, it’s important to sit down and think because when you do, you’ll think about how to build to last. What are the areas where you need...

The Suffering of Men image

The Sufferings Of Men

There are several reasons why people suffer. In this sermon, Rev. (Dr) Isaiah Orjiakor tells us the reasons why men suffer. When people reward good for evil. You invite suffering into your life the moment you start to do evil things to people after they’ve done good things to you.Prov. 17:13 KJV. Whoso rewardeth evil...

the blessings of God

The Blessings of The Lord

The word of God clearly states in the book of Prov. 10:22 that the blessings of the Lord makes someone rich and adds no sorrow with it. To get the blessings of God, there are several keys you need to have. One thing you should bear in mind, however, is that the kingdom of God...

Dealing With The Forces Against You

Dealing With The Forces Against You

For every time you chose to do something, people or forces will arise and try to stop you. These forces become an obstacle, a stumbling block, or a strong man preventing you from achieving your goals. The forces in question include the following. 1. Ignorance You must do away with ignorance if you want to...

Children and You image

You And Children

Psalm 127:3-5 KJV. Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. 4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. 5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak...

the road blocks of life

Dealing With Road Blocks In Serving God

In simple terms, roadblocks are the obstacles on our way. They either impede your movement and progress on a journey and if you don’t take care of them, they can stop you totally from reaching your destination. As a Christian, a roadblock is that thing that blocks you from serving God. It is an instrument...