Sacrifice is an act of giving what you have/cherish in other to get something else. Sacrifice started in the garden of Eden in Gen 3:17 when God had to slay an animal and use its skin to make clothing for Adam and Eve to cover their nakedness. Your money and your sweat are part of sacrifices. One thing you should know about sacrifice is that prayer cannot take the place of sacrifice. 2 Kings 3:27 See Gen. 4:3, Gen. 8:22, and Eccl 11:1 Nature of Sacrifice Good sacrifice. Bad sacrifice Why is sacrifice important? It helps you to secure. To...
How to Deal With Delays

Delay is a systematic or arranged setback that has a way of destroying one’s effort. When you experience delays in your life, it can cause you to miss out on the things that matter. Delays can cause the following Give rise to mistakes and errors. It can cause confusion. Delays can make the first to become the last. It can position you for long story. See 1 Sam 13:8-14 What’s the solution to delays? Serve. Service can cause delays to be removed. Prov. 27:18, Gen 29:24 Give. Through giving, you can break the grip of delay. Gen. 18:8, Luke 6:38,...
Challenging Exploits

As a Christian, you should stop running away from challenges. Begin to face them squarely and pray for God’s grace to withstand and overcome them. If you cannot endure trial, you cannot do exploits. Men who will do exploits, they endure pain! Esther and Jephthah are examples of people who endured pain and did exploits in the bible. Jesus also endured pain, the contradiction of sinners, and the weight of the sin of the world to bring salvation to us. [1st Service Sunday 19th Nov. 2023]
Understanding The Ministry of Giving

In John 3:16-17, we see one of the characteristics of God – He’s a giver – and he gave his only son to us. In the ministry of giving, there are some things that takes place. You demonstrate love. There is no love that doesn’t demonstrate itself without giving. If you love someone, you must be willing to give for the person. God loved us and gave us Jesus who died for us. This shows that when you give, you demonstrate love. John 3:16, Matt. 14:14, James 2:15-16 You reshapen your destiny when you give. Luke 6:38, Prov. 11:24, 2...
Winning By Thanksgiving

One of the strategies for winning the challenges and battles of life is through thanksgiving. In this sermon, we’ll see how thanksgiving brings forth wins for everyone that adopts thanksgiving. Many people don’t appreciate what they have and have received. When you don’t know how to say thank you for the things you’ve been blessed with, there’s a likelihood you’ll not go far in life. Thankful people always go far in life. 1st Service Sunday 12th Nov. 2023
Make No Haste

People make haste and run into problems. The bible encourages us not to make haste. Here are some things that happen when people make haste and the signs that you are making haste. When you make haste, you try to be faster than you should be. You’ll think there is a shortcut. You’ll want to achieve many things at a time against God’s order. You’ll think God is slow. You’ll apply other things while waiting on God. Your help comes from God – Psalm 121:1-2 What does God say about making haste? One bible verse summarizes gives us God’s view...
Purpose Of Thanksgiving

Many people often overlook the act of thanksgiving because they feel it’s not necessary. The two words “thank you” you say to someone that helped you can make them help you even the more. It’s important that we learn to thank God as Christians. Here are a few purposes for thanksgiving to God. It is a time to receive from God. It’s a command. Psalm 100:4 You can make your prayers permanent through thanksgiving. Phil. 4:6. Thanksgiving opens doors. Sunday 29th October 2023 Combined Service
Why You Need To Watch And Pray

Jesus told us in Matt. 26:41 to watch and pray because of how important doing both activities were to our survival as Christians. In this sermon, Rev. (Dr) Isaiah Orjiakor highlights 4 important reasons why we need to watch and pray. Here are some important reasons why we need to watch and pray. So that we won’t enter into temptation. Matt. 26:41 Because the enemy walks around seeking who to destroy. 1 Pet. 5:8 The enemy will sow tares when you don’t watch and pray. Matt. 13:24-25 Because of perilous times that will come in the last days. 2 Tim...
Dealing With Double Life

If you’re living a double life as a Christian, you’re setting up yourself for failure. In several instances in the bible, we see the biblical perspective on people who live a double life and how they won’t be able to obtain anything from God. In this sermon, Rev. (Dr) Isaiah Orjiakor shares deep insights into this act that destroys Christians. 2nd Service Sun 8th October 2023.