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learn to pray strategic prayers

Strategic Prayers (Powerful)

You must learn how to be strategic in prayers if you want to win the battles of life. In this sermon, Rev. (Dr) Isaiah Orjiakor shares insights into how you can pray strategic prayers and the results you will get when you do so.

Who Is Your Backup?

Who Is Your Backup?

Who is backing you up? In a world where the habitations of cruelty are rampant, it’s important to have divine backing to successfully navigate the terrain. Join Rev. (Dr) Isaiah Orjiakor as he takes you through this sermon on why having God as your backup is important.

ministry of blood sermon

The Ministry Of Blood

What’s it about Blood that you should know as a Christian? How powerful is blood? Are there biblical evidences to back this up? Why should Christians be careful when blood is involved? These questions and more were answered by Rev. (Dr) Isaiah Orjiakor in this sermon about blood.

when battles are from home sermon

When Battles Are From Home

What are the things you need to do when the battles you’re facing are from home, knowing fully well that enemies can be members of one’s household (Matthew 10:35-36)? In this sermon, Rev Dr Isaiah Orjiakor discusses the topic “When Battles Are From Home”.

You must deal with spiritual monitoring

Dealing With Spiritual Monitoring

Spiritual monitoring is quite powerful because it can keep the enemy posted about your moves even before you make them. Learn from this sermon as Rev. (Dr) Isaiah Orjiakor shares insights into what it is and how you can deal with it. 2nd Service 4th August 2024